Firstly, congratulations on such great reviews! Did you self-publish to kindle?
I've got a lot of books on my reading list but will add yours to it. I'm very interested to read how you portrayed Nelson and Emma as there are very few novels out there based on either of them. I think you're quite brave to do so because it's a risk, I guess, fleshing out such well-known historical figures into real characters in a way that will satisfy the Nelson fans among us (some of whom undoubtedly feel we 'know' our hero!), but your reviewers seem more than happy with it. In the description of the book, "When the comet of this physically unprepossessing man streaked over Naples and collided with the glittering constellation that was Emma Hamilton, history's famous love affair was born." sold it to me.
Good luck with it and with the Nelson Society review, I'm looking forward to reading it and I'll post back when I have (probably not til I go back to work in April after maternity leave as I get most of my reading done on the hour commute!)