Anyone see the feature on Trafalgar Park in last Saturday's Property Section of the Daily Telegraph? It is appreciated that the property world loves an historical link but when I read that Admiral Lord Nelson’s daughter, Horatia, “spent much of her childhood” at neighbouring Newhouse I nearly choked on my cornflakes. As far as I'm aware the first link between the Nelson family and Newhouse came in 1817 when Nelson’s nephew, George Matcham, married Harriet Eyre who had inherited the property on the death of her father. The couple didn't move into the property until 1823 having lived for a year in Trafalgar Park before moving to Woolley House near Romsey. I believe Horatia first went to Wiltshire in 1822 when at the age of 21 she visited her uncle, Earl Nelson, at Trafalgar Park with her new husband, Revd Philip Ward. My sources are 'Horatia Nelson' by Winfred Gerin and 'The Nelsons of Burnham Thorpe' by M Eyre Matcham. Any disagreement?