The NMM has recently announced the closure of their Ship of War gallery, from the 4th May, to be replaced with a display on the First World War: ... -1650-1815I feel this is rather a pity, as this was practically the only gallery where one could study the progression of sailing ship development from 1660 – 1815, and which of course included vessels from the Nelson period. The NMM now seem to point visitors and researchers of their model collection, to its new home at the Smithery, Chatham Dockyard – which is hardly that easy to get to. Once there, one really has to stay overnight to be able to see everything adequately.
So, with the Water Transport collection at the Science Museum now apparently replaced by an exhibition of mobile phones (?), there would appear to be nowhere in the capital, where you can go and study period ship models. It also does nothing for the NMM to tell us, seemingly, not to worry – there will be an exhibition of the vessels of the First World War to study instead. However, interesting though that is, marking the centenary of that war's commencement, I would imagine quite a few would still like to see the history of the sailing warship, which was surely the 'Golden Age' in our maritime history?