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 Post subject: Details from the log of HMS Volcano January 1815
PostPosted: Thu Mar 16, 2023 10:48 pm 

Joined: Mon May 24, 2010 9:32 pm
Posts: 31
A previous thread mentioned Gunner John Milham of the Royal Marine Artillery on the Gulf Coast. In addition to him, gunners of the RMA aboard some of the Bomb Vessels would also see action in this theatre of war.

Owing to the vagaries of the rules on Prize Money, there were a number of ships in Cochrane's fleet that had entitlement to a share, notwithstanding the fact their crew had not participated! The bomb vessels HMS Volcano & HMS Aetna were two such vessels. When it came to issuing a battle clasp in 1848, only those who took part in the Boat Action at Lake Borgne on 14 December 1814 had the entitlement.

The prelude to the campaign was the Boat Action at Lake Borgne on 14 December 1814. Having neutralised this threat, there were two means by which New Orleans could be attacked. The first was to land several thousand British troops, and to march on New Orleans. The other alternative was to send boats up the Mississippi. Fort St Philip blocked the path to New Orleans by river.

On 30 December 1814, Vice Admiral Cochrane sent an 'Order to Captain Price, Volcano, to take Aetna under his orders and proceed off the River Mississippi'. This is documented in C-in-C North American Station Admiral's correspondence log, archive reference ADM 50/122.

These two vessels were accompanied by the sloop-of-war HMS Herald (18 guns), the brig-of-war HMS Thistle (12 guns) and the schooner HMS Pigmy (10 guns). These vessels had originally been accompanied by the fifth rate HMS Nymphe (39 guns), but it was too large to traverse the shallow waters of the bar at the mouth of the Mississippi.

All the above is mentioned in a letter from Cochrane to the Admiralty dated 18 January 1815, as reproduced in the London Gazette, 9 March 1815, Issue 16991, pp. 449–451. These assembled vessels had been ordered to sail up the Mississippi, and to create a diversion, with the bombardment of the fort by launching exploding bomb shells from the bomb vessels' mortars.

When the definitive history of the Royal Marine Artillery was being written in the 1920s, this engagement was considered to be worthy of a mention as it was the last time in the conflict that exploding bomb shells were fired from a bomb vessel. Wishing to know more about the shell expenditure, they consulted the log of HMS Volcano, and this is quoted in the unit history. It is the only British eyewitness account to have been published in a printed book.

There are the following documents:
Captain's Log, (archive series ADM 51)
Master's Log, (archive series ADM 52)
Ship Log, (archive series ADM 53)
It is not apparent as to which specific log was consulted

pg 295
The only British Account giving details of shell expenditure is the log of the Volcano. The following is summarised from its entries

'January 9th, 1815: Aetna in company. At noon came-to in six fathoms near the south shore of the Mississippi. Anchored. Warped ship inshore with hawsers; made fast to a tree. 1:40 sprung the ship stern to shore. Let go stream anchor and veered cable : secured ship. Began firing, about 3700 yards from Fort Placamean[sic]. 2.30 pm fired thirty 13-inch & twenty 10-inch. Warped to S W S.
''January 10th, 1815: 10am commenced firing. Fired all day ; forty 13-inch, forty 10-inch. Fired at by the fort heavily but no shot reached within 300 yards.
''January 11th, 1815: Fired forty-six 13-inch and forty-six 10-inch
''January 12th, 1815: Fired thirty-five 13-inch, morning ; twenty-one, after-noon. One 13-inch shell burst in leaving the mortar, damaged main yard and rigging, deck (main) started in several places, shrouds cut, broke down bulkhead. None hurt.'' The damage was made good during the following night, and the Volcano was ready for action next morning.
There is no record of shell expenditure for the 13ths, nor for the 15th and 16th. The American official report however says that the firing continued from the 11th to the 17th 'without intermission'.
''January 14th, 1815: Fired thirteen 13-inch ; seventeen 10-inch, and three carcasses (one 13-inch, two 10-inch).

pg 296
''January 17th, 1815: Ship opened fire 10am. Enemy shells burst near'

On that afternoon intelligence was received of the repulse of the army at New Orleans on the 8th, and next day preparations were made to move off. On January 19th the British vessels all weighed, and with a fair wind made sail down the Mississippi.
According to an American official statement,["Letter from Major Overton to Major General Jackson dated 19th January 1815"] 'upwards of one thousand shells, besides howitzer-shells and round shot' were expended against Fort St Philip by the British vessels.

Fraser, Edward & Carr-Laughton, L. G. (1930).
The Royal Marine Artillery 1804-1923, Volume 1 [1804-1859]

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 Post subject: Transcribed from the Captain's log of HMS Volcano Jan 1815
PostPosted: Thu Mar 16, 2023 11:00 pm 

Joined: Mon May 24, 2010 9:32 pm
Posts: 31
HMS Volcano
Captain's Log
Archive reference: ADM 51/2954

12 December 1814
Bar isle off Mobile Point

13 December 1814
West end Horn Island

14 December 1814
St Mary's Bay

01 January 1815
AM Employed turning ship. 1:20 weighed & made sail, came to in 4 1/2 fathoms near the buoy of the middle. 2:30 more clear, weighed & made sail with Boats to tow. 4:00 set Topgallant and 9 sails, made & shortened Sail occasionally. Opened Rum No 17, 31 gallons. At 6:30 came to with Preamlent in 2 1/2 fathoms, furled sails etc.

02 January 1815
AM 8:30 Weighed and warped alongside the Meteor, took on board the best bower & sheet anchors then warped alongside the Albion transport & took on board the whole of the Gunners, Carpenters & Boatswains stores put on board HMS Meteor on the 15th Nille, employed stowing aletta
PM Employed as before scoor. At 7 hove off from Transport

03 January 1815
AM At 2:00 hove in stream cable. At 4:00 Let go best bower & veered cable. At 8:00 weighed bower anchor & hove in on the Stream. 10:00 carried out kedge anchor & warped ahead. 11:00 weighed stream. 11:30 weighed kedge & made sail.
PM Standing to the Eastward thro' Cat Island. At 4 hove to and sent boat to board HMS Tonnant. 3:00 filled and made sail. 3:10 bent small bower cable. 5:30 mustered at Quarters. 5:50 Topgallant sails & able reefed the Topsails. 7:00 Up foresails & down. 9:00 Lowered the Topsails on the Cap.

04 January 1815
AM 3:45 hoisted the Topsails & set fore topmast Staysail. 4:00 Hove to on larboard tack, at 5:00 wore ship 6 bore up, set foresail, topgallant sails & out second Reef of Tops. 7:30 Exchanged numbers with HMS Nymph[sic] at anchor off the Balise[sic]. Nymph[sic] at anchor 7 or 8 miles, Aetna in Company. 9:30 Came to with best bower in 6 fathoms Entrance Mississippi 2 miles best sheet Cable, Captain went on board from Nymph[sic].
PM At anchor off the Balise[sic]
Sent boat with anchor & hawsers to the Pygmy, at 3:30 weighed & made sail to shift the Boats ?? ?? to then ???? 6:20 came to with best bower the entrance of the R. Pass into Mississippi 2 W 1 mile, a very strong current of freshwater issuing out. Sent yaw l t 3 a fir's & the Pigmy she being ashore.

05 January 1815
AM Employed as necessary. Opened sugar 226lbs. 1 dead Yawl to assist the Thistle over the Bar. Sounded SE Bar and found 12 feet 8 In water hais bottom about a ship's length.
PM At anchor in the Balise[sic]
Employed as necessary, boats assisting the Thistle over the Bar.
06 January 1815
AM Employed as necessary. 9:00 Received order from Captain Pigot, HMS Nymph[sic], to weigh & make sail to NE. At 10:30 weighed & made sail to SE. Received an American Pilot on board, made all possible sail to South Eastward.
PM Entrance to the Balise[sic]. Tacked ship to the Northward. Set Staysails out 2nd Reef Topsails - 3:00 tacked Ship to Southward off the ?? 3:30 Tacked Ship, at 4 took the Bar and grounded on a Mud Bank, hove off, filled & set topgallant Steady over the Bar steering 1st Reech & twB etc & then hurls at 5:30 came to in 4 fathoms with best Bower, furled sails etc.
07 January 1815
AM Cleared away for Bombarding, at 11:30 received from HMS Nymphe bread, beef 2 casks no number 38 pieces each, Pork 2 casks no number 50 pieces each & Rum no 39, 87 Gallons, & No 38, 64 gallons.
PM At 2:30 weighed and made sail, Aetna & Pigmy in Company. At 6:20 came to with Best Bower at SW Pass, furled sails etc.
08 January 1815
AM Employed as necessary. 10:30 mustered by Divisions. PM Opened pease 5 Bushels. At 5:00 weighed and made sail, at 7 came to with Best Bower, furled sails. At 8:00 came up HMS Herald & Thistle Brig. Sent Guard Boat on duty.

9 January
Noon came to in 6 fathoms near the South Shore with best bower vents cable and warped the ship in shore with hawser made fast to a tree pole. 1:40 spacing ship stern to the shore in 10 ½ fathoms, let go stream anchor & veered cable and secured the ship for bombarding about 3700 yards ENE of Fort Placamean[sic], at 2:30 commenced firing & fired 30_13 inch & 20_10 inch shells at 8 o'clock fired at intervals at the enemy, firing their long guns without effect.

10 January 1815
AM Mod't breezes, cloudy with rain
Bombarding at intervals, at
8 constantly bombarding, Aetna in Co
9:30 weighed Stream anchor & veered best Bower Cable. Warped more to W S W Spring ship and let go stream anchor & commen-ced bombarding.
PM ditto weather. Bombarding at intervals. Fired this 24 hours forty 13-inch & forty 10-inch shells. The Enemy keeping up a heavy fire from the fort, but not a shot reached us by 300 yards.

11 January
AM Fresh breezes, cloudy with rain
Employed bombarding at intervals
8am ditto log
PM ditto weather
3pm cast off from the Shore and shifted the Berth more to the W S W spreing Ship
Fired forty-six 13-inch and forty-six 10-inch
Cloudy weather.

12 January
AM Fresh breezes & cloudy
Bombarding at intervals.
One 13-inch shell burst in leaving the mortar, and cut away the Larboard main topmast slug sail Boom, the rigging of the main Yard area, two main shrouds and two stranded. The main deck started in a number of places, the bulkheads down fore and aftt, with material damage to the ships sides.
Fired thirty-five 13-inch & thirty-six 10-inch, as well as three carcasses (one 13-inch, two 10-inch).
PM ditto weather
Bombarding at intervals
Fired twenty-one 13-inch & twenty-one 10-inch, and one 13-inch carcass.

13 January
AM Mod't breezes & clean
Bombarding at intervals, unbent the main sail.
PM Ditto weather
Employed as before noon.
Boat on shore wooding
Fired forty-two 13-inch & thirty-nine 10-inch shells.

14 January
AM Mod't breezes & fine weather
Employed bombarding, and a boat getting wood.
PM Ditto weather
Employed as before noon.
Bombarding at intervals, the Enemy firing a few shot.
Fired twelve 13-inch & fifteen 10-inch, and one 13-inch, two 10-inch Cacrasses
Latter part – thick, hazy weather

15 January 1815
AM Firing at intervals
PM fired five 13 inch & ten 10 inch shells.

16 January 1815
AM Fired at intervals, company as necessary
PM Weighed best bower & moored further to westward, fired 6_13 inch & 9_10 inch

17 January 1815
AM Employed as necessary, fired at intervals, enemy opened their fire but shot not reaching us. Received 30 half Barrels of Powder from HMS Aetna & 10 from Herald.
PM Employed Bombarding the Enemy fired shells which fell & burst near us. Fired [undisclosed quantity of] 13 & 10 inch shells

18 January 1815
AM At 4 commenced summoning the ship, at 6 weighed and dropped bow with the tide Carpenters from the Herald & Thistle repairing baulkheads.
PM Employed dropping down the river 4:30 came to with best Bower, furled Jacks etc opened Flour 280 lbs.

19 January 1815
AM Reserve provisions from HM Schooner Pygmy supplied by HMS Vengeur viz Bread in 26 bags 2724lbs, rum 1 Beef 2 casks, 68 pieces of 8lb pork... employed stowing holds etc. 10:30 weighed & made sail down the river.
PM At 1 let go best bower being near the shore, touched the ground, carried out a Hawser to W S W & hove off, came to in the Stream, furled sails. Carpenters employed replacing main deck & officer cabins.

20 January 1815
AM At 9 carried out kedge & weighed Bower. 9:30 weighed and dropped down
PM Employed as necessary. HMS Herald & Aetna in company warping? Bower, at 3 came to off the Balize with best Bower.

21 January 1815
AM Received stores from HMS Herald to lighten her. Employed picking oakam etc Carpenters repairing damage done by the concussions of the mortar, caulking main deck etc. Opened pork 32x 8lb pieces, 5 bushels, boats wooding etc.
PM At 2 sailed HMS Herald & Aetna to go over the Bar, 2:30 the Herald stuck on the Bar and held fast, at 3 weighed cut off fathom of small Bower cable (it being as such requested by order of Captain Price Bent ditto), at 3:30 came in 3 fathoms with best Bower off the SE pass, sent off Boat with Hawser to Herald. At 8 veered to 1/3 of a Cable.

Edit: Title suffix was changed. Deleted "January 18" and inserted "Jan 1815"

Last edited by GreenwichPensioner on Thu Mar 16, 2023 11:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Transcribed from the Captain's log of HMS Aetna Jan 1815
PostPosted: Thu Mar 16, 2023 11:10 pm 

Joined: Mon May 24, 2010 9:32 pm
Posts: 31
HMS Aetna
Captain's Log
Archive reference: ADM 51/2139

11 December 1814
At anchor, at the entrance to Mobile
12 December 1814
13 December 1814

14 December 1814
At anchor, off Ship Island
15 December 1814

16 December 1814
At anchor, off Cat Island
17 December 1814
18 December 1814
19 December 1814
20 December 1814
21 December 1814
22 December 1814
23 December 1814
24 December 1814
AM Employed cleaning the ship & working up junk, arrived HMS Statira with dispositions & General Pakenham, which we repeated by Telegraphon signalled, being stationed in the line of communication towards Commander in Chief who is with the Army at Pine Island
PM Same.
25 December 1814
AM employed, occasioning, at 10, mustered the ship's Company in Divisions
PM Same, 5:00 struck topgallant masts
26 December 1814
AM employed working up junk
PM fidding topgallant masts, working up junk
27 December 1814
AM employed working up junk, repairing sails
PM employed as forenoon
28 December 1814
AM employed working up junk, repairing sails
PM employed as forenoon
29 December 1814
AM employed working up junk, repairing sails, sent a brooming party to Cat Island
PM employed as forenoon
30 December 1814
AM Employed scrubbing hammocks, washing clothes and working up junk
PM Employed repairing sails, making brooms
31 December 1814
AM employed working up junk, and repairing sails, sent a wooding party to Cat Island
PM employed as in & cutting up & stowing away firewood
01 January 1815
AM employed Occasionally mustered in Divisions
PM at 1:30 weighed & made sail down towards Frigates & Troopships, at 5 anchored near the Agamemnon Transport & hawled[sic] alongside, get our Guns & Shells, left on 17
02 January 1815
AM Employed getting the Guns & Shells on board, sent Weekly account on board, HMS Cydnus
PM employed as forenoon, at 4:00 hove off to anchor

At anchor, off Cat Island
03 January 1815
AM fidded topgallant masts, employed variously
PM At 1 weighed & made sail from Cat Island towards the river Mississippi, Volcano B'b in Company, at 4 close up with line of battle ships at Anchor off Ship Island, hove too, at 5pm made sail as above, running along the Chandeleur Islands, Volcano in Company
04 January 1815
AM running along the Chandeleur Islands towards the Mississippi. Volcano in company, found here at anchor HMS Nymph[sic], at 11 joined Company the Herald, Thistle & Pigmy, employed getting some of the shells from Aft to fore Shell room to bring the ship on an even keel to get over the bar of [the] Mississippi.
PM employed as in forenoon
05 January 1815
AM employed working up junk, got a Pilot on board for the Mississippi.
PM employed as in forenoon, Clearing around the Booms & Stowing the Spars in Near Chains, ras for Bombarding.
06 January 1815
AM Employed blacking the or bends & working up junk.
PM employed as in forenoon. Received from HMS Nymph[sic] 2 casks Flour, 80x 8lb pieces of Pork in 2 Casks, 38x 8lb pieces of Beef, one Cask of Rum in one Puncheon 90 Gallons, at 3:30 weighed and made sail up the Mississippi. Volcano & Pigmy in company. 5:30 Anchored off the southwest passage in 7 fathoms, Volcano & Pigmy
07 January 1815
AM 8:00 Employed crossing gallant yards, shortened in cable
PM At 1:00 weighed & made sail at 1:30. Got over the Bar Mississippi. 2:30 Anchored in this river in 6 fathoms Volcano & Pigmy in company.

Remarks etc HMS Aetna in Mississippi river
08 January 1815
Ship Comp at Divisions, PM, same no. employed as in forenoon, at 3:30 weighed and made sail up the River. Volcano, Pigmy in Company at 6, anchored in 8fms, at 8.15 the Herald & Thistle joined company, M R same no.
9th January 1815
At daylight weighed and made sail up the Mississippi, above ships & Vessels in Company. PM At 12.20 Anchored in 8fms within long range of the Enemy's battery on right bank of the river, above ships & Vessels in company, at 3 weighed, ran 1/4 mile nearer to battery,spacing the ships etc, at 4 Common and bombarding with Volcano, throwing shells occasionally.
10th January 1815
AM Bombarding Enemy's Batteries with Volcano
PM Bombarding as in forenoon
11th January 1815
AM Bombarding Enemy's Batteries with Volcano
PM Bombarding as in forenoon
12th January 1815
AM Bombarding Enemy's Batteries with Volcano, at 10 ceased firing, employed drying sails.
PM Employed Drying and furling sails, at 3 commenced bombarding with Volcano, Midnight Bombarding Occasionally etc
13 January 1815
AM Bombarding Enemy's Batteries with Volcano
PM Bombarding as in forenoon, Midnight Bombarding Occasionally etc
14 January 1815
AM Scrubbed Hammocks & Washed Clothes, Bombarding, Occasionally with Volcano.
PM Bombarding Enemy's Batteries, occasionally with Volcano, supplied MMSB to Volcano with thirty half b'rls of powder and sixty two 13-inch shells.

Remarks etc HMS Aetna in the River Mississippi
14th January 1815 cont
At 10, fired eight 11 Inch Carcasses at Enemy's Batteries. Midnight Bombarding occasionally
15th January 1815
AM Bombarding Enemy's Batteries, occasionally with Volcano
PM Employed working up junk
Fired this day 12x 10 inch Shells
16 January 1815
AM Bombarded occasionally. Pigmy schooner sent down the river
PM Bombarding occasionally with Volcano
17 January 1815
AM Employed drying sails & getting all clear for passing Battery.
PM Supplied Volcano with ten 1/2 Barrels of Powder. Rec'd from Volcano 40x 10 Inch shells, Bombarding Enemy's Batteries, occasionally with Volcano, enemy throwing shells at us, fired this day etc 27x 10,Inch Shells
18 January 1815
AM at 5 fired from 10, bomb shells at enemy's battery, at daylight [06:53] moored, weighed, dropped down the River in company with HMS Herald, Volcano, B G U Thistle Brig.
PM same. Dropped down the river .....above Vessel in company. Joined Company Pigmy
19 January 1815
AM Employed various ..... Received from Pigmy Schooner Bread ??? in 11 bags. Rum, 1 Pinch 8 Iron hoops, beef.... 30 Iron hoops. Porks 184-4 lb in 2 fresh bar 82 hoops, suet 240 lbs in 1 hd, 8 iron hoops, cacre, at 11 weigh'd, made sail down the River, as above ships in

Remarks etc HMS Aetna in the River Mississippi
20 January 1815
AM Employed Variously Carpenters Caulking Hatch's[sic], at 8 weighed & made sail down the River, Herald and Volcano in Company, at 10 grounded run stream Anchor and shore off & proceeded down the River.
PM 3:30 Anchored about a mile within the Bar of Mississippi in 8 fms, employed Getting on Board part of the Herald's Guns & Stores to lighten her to go over the Bar. Midnight same.
21 January 1815
AM Employed getting part of Herald's Stores on board as yesterday, Carpenters Caulking Hatches etc.
PM Same. At 2:00 a Pilot came on board to take the Ship over the Bar. 3:00 weighed off made sail down the River, the Herald grounded on the Bar, at 4 Anchored near her within the Bar, & sent boats etc to her assistance.
22 January 1815
AM Employed occasion. Mustered at divisions, Herald still aground on the Bar.
PM At 3:00 the Herald got outside the Bar, at 3:30 weighed & made sail to go over the Bar, at 4:15 Anchored outside the Bar in 7 fathoms, veered 1/2 cable, Nymphe, Herald, Volcano, Thistle & Pigmy in company 5:00 Anchored here HMS Asia
23 January 1815
AM Employed getting the Herald's Guns & Stores into Boats & Sending them on board of her, joined Captain Fead, to supersed[sic] Captain Gardner
PM, employed as in forenoon
Signed James Gardner Sailing Master

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 Post subject: Transcribed from the Captain's log of HMS Thistle Jan 1815
PostPosted: Thu Mar 16, 2023 11:22 pm 

Joined: Mon May 24, 2010 9:32 pm
Posts: 31
The brig-of-war HMS Thistle (12 guns)
Captain's Log
Archive reference: ADM 51/2912

14 December 1814
Course N 57° W; Distance 56 miles; Latitude 26°.59' Longitude 84°.3'
Cape Si Bluffs N. 27 W 170 miles

15 December 1814
Course N 28 W; Distance 98 miles; Latitude 28°.31 Longitude 84°.55'
Pensacola Bay N54 W 170 miles

16 December 1814
Course N 45 W; Distance 115 miles; Latitude 30°.3 Longitude 86°.2'W
Pensacola Bay N80 W 63 miles

17 December 1814
Latitude 30°.20 Isle of Rosa

18 December 1814
Dauphins[sic] Island N bar 1/2 W 12 Miles

19 December 1814
Course ; Distance ; Latitude 29°.53 Longitude 88°.49
Chandeleur Island W 1/2 N 10 Miles

20 December 1814
Latitude 30°.10

21 December 1814
Running up to the shipping

22 December 1814
no readings

23 December 1814

24 December 1814
aground off Cat Island
25 December 1814
26 December 1814
27 December 1814
28 December 1814
30 December 1814

01 January 1815
Weighed [anchor] and made sail.

03 January 1815
Off Ship Island

04 January 1815
AM Reef the Topsails and set Topgallant Sails. Saw a schooner to leeward born up in chase of Sch. Schooner and 2 sail in sight. Signalled to HM Ship Nymphe.
PM at 12.15 came to on anchor in 9 fathoms water off the mouth of the River Mississippi. HM Ships Nymphe, Herald, Volcano, Aetna & Pigmy schooner in company, 2:00 out all boats 2:30 sent the Boats to assist HM schooner Pigmy over the bar. 5:30 the Boats returned.
05 January 1815
AM People employed warping the Boat over the Bar into the river. Carried away 10 fathoms of the Towline.
PM Warping into the River Mississippi.
People employed as above. 4:30 came to an anchor with the Best Bower in 3 fathoms water inside the Bar.
06 January 1815
At daylight people employed about the rigging and otherwise as necessary.
PM At single anchor on the Mississippi. People employed as above. Opened 1 cask of sugar contained 217 lb.
07 January 1815
At daylight people employed about the rigging etc.
Cutter away, assisting the Herald over the Bar. Opened a cask of peas contained 3/4 bushel.
PM At single anchor on the Mississippi. Rec'd from HM Ship Nymphe 3 casks of Beef, 2 casks of Pork, 1 cask of Pease, 6 bags of Bread and a Quantity of Sugar and Cocoa.
08 January 1815
At daylight, answered signal to send the Cutter on board HM Ship Nymphe. At 11 mustered Ship's Company by Divisions.
PM At single anchor on the Mississippi. Came on board from HM Ship Nymphe 1 Lieut & 22 Marines & 1 Midshipman and 15 seamen. Weighed and made sail up the River.

09 January 1815
At daylight, answered signal from Herald. At 6:00 weighed and made sail up the River. Herald, Volcano, Aetna and Pigmy in company. At 8:00 ditto.
Noon Opened a cask of Rum 31 Gallons.
PM Advancing towards Fort St Philip.
Came to in fathoms off Fort St Philip. Vessels of war in company. At 4:00 the Bomb [vessel}s opened their Fire on the Fort. 11:30 Sent the Cutter Masted and Armed to serve Guard off the Fort.
10 January 1815
AM Volcano and Aetna Bombarding the Fort. People Employed about the Rigging.
PM At single Anchor off Fort St Philip. People employed as above. At 4:00 Bomb [vessel]s bombarding the Fort. At 8:00 sent the Cutter to serve Guard of the Fort.
11 January 1815
At daylight people employed about the rigging. Volcano and Aetna Bombarding the Fort. At 8, employed filling water.
PM At single Anchor off Fort St Philip. People Employed as above. at 4:00 completed our water. At 6:00 Mustered at Quarters.
12 January 1815
AM At 3:00 Sent the Cutter to serve Guard. At Daylight, scrubbed hammocks and Washed Clothes. At 10:00 washed the Lower Deck Hatches.
PM Sent the Cutter on shore for Wood. At 4:00 Bomb [Vessel]s bombarding the Fort. Received Wood from boat. Employed Stowing away.

13 January 1815
At daylight people employed about the rigging. Volcano and Aetna Bombarding the Fort. After 8:00 a party on shore wooding.
PM Sent the Cutter on shore for Wood. At 6:00 Mustered at Quarters. At 8:00 sent the Cutter to serve Guard.
14 January 1815
Daylight Bombs as before. After 8:00 Employed aboard the Rigging and Otherwise as Necessary.
PM People employed stowing away and otherwise as Necessary. At 6:00 Mustered at Quarters.
15 January 1815
AM at 4:00 sent the Cutter to serve Guard. At 11:00 mustered Ship's Company by Divisions.
PM Employed as necessary
16 January 1815
At daylight sailed HM Schooner Pigmy down towards the Bar. Volcano & Aetna Bombarding the Fort. After 8:00 People Employed as Necessary.

17 January 1815
AM At daylight people employed about the rigging. After 8:00 looses Small Sails today.
PM People employed about the rigging. Midnight sent the Cutter to serve Guard.
18 January 1815
AM At 6:00 weighed and dropped down the river. Ship of War in Company. Lost a small warp kedge in warping. At 10:00 made sail beating down the river.
PM Beating down the River Mississippi. At 3:30 came to with an anchor Best Bower off the SW Pass in 8 fathoms water.

19 January 1815
A daylight saw all clear for Weighing. Sent the Nymph's[sic] Seamen and Marines. 6.30 Weighed and made sail down the river. At 9 came to an Anchor off The Black House.
Noon Do W
Single anchor in the Mississippi
Light breezes and fine
People employed about the Rigging
4 Do Weather
Opened a Cask of Pease comp'd 5 Bush'l
At 6 Do W Mustered at Quarters
At 8 Do W
20 January 1815
1am light and fine
4am Do Weather
6am Washed cloaths[sic] and scrubbed hammocks
8am Do W'
10am People Employed Occasionally
12noon Do Weather
Single anchor in the Mississippi
1pm Do Weather
Rec'd a Quantity of Ballast to
lighten her for going over the Bar
6pm Do Weather
8pm Do Weather

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 Post subject: Transcribed from the Captain's log of HMS Herald Jan 1815
PostPosted: Thu Mar 16, 2023 11:31 pm 

Joined: Mon May 24, 2010 9:32 pm
Posts: 31
the sloop-of-war HMS Herald (18 guns)
Captain's Log
Archive reference: ADM 51/2455

HMS Herald and HMS Anaconda had been patrolling the waters around the mouth of the Mississippi during 1814.

Anchored off the Balise[sic]
12 December 1814
AM Boats returned having brought off the Pilots belonging to the Balise.[sic] Sent the Cutter to sound the Bar. At 11 the Pinnace returned, having taken a Corporal and six Men, a detachment of the 7th United States regiment of Infantry.
PM Cutter returned. Employed occasionally. At Sunset in all Boats
13 December 1814
AM People variously employed. At 11 saw a Sail in the NNE Quarter.
PM Noon same

Sunday 01 January
At day light saw the Nymphe & but weigh'd and made Sail in Co with Charybdis
Noon. Light winds mild gusts Nymph[sic] at anchor
1:45pm Tack'd and at 2pm obs'd the nymph[sic] weigh and stand close in Shore.
Monday 02 January
AM light winds abd fine W.
3am Tacked saw a sail Work
4am Mod' and Cloudy
At daylight [6:25] saw the stranger steering
HM bore up and made Sail in Case.
6:45 Obsr'd the Stranger anchor in Barataria
7:15 Shorten'd Sail and came to in 3 fthm
The entrance to Barataria N S W : W
out boats and sent them away after the Schooner.
PM mod' and cloudy W
Boats still away
3pm Fresh breezes and foggy
Obs'd that the Boats had ead for to the Schooner, she being aground and not able to get her off.
Tuesday 03 January
4am boats still away
Daylight observed all the boats coming off
7:30 Boats return having burnt a schooner supposed to be a Pirate not finding either flag or colours on board
9:00 Weighed and made sail
PM I and Nymphe at anchor off the Balize
Wednesday 04 January
8:00 Joined Co H M Ships Volcano, Etna[sic] and Pigmy
PM sent the Provisions with the kedge to assist warping the Pygmy over the bar

Thu 05 January
At anchor off the Mississippi
Sent the pinnace with kedge anchor and the hawser to assist in warping the Thistle over the Bar.
PM Pinnace returned, Thistle and Pigmy being over the bar
Fri 06 January
PM HM Bomb Etna weighed, been over the Bar. Employed sending shot and ballast on board the Nymphe lightening the ship ready for going over the bar, At sunset the Volcano run over the Bar
Sat 07 January
AM employed lightening the ship
PM Weighed ad made sail. At 3.30pm bure up for the bar and 3.50 grounded on the bar. Got a hawser out to the Thistle, hove off, made sail up the River. At 5, shortened sail and came to in 5 yards
Sun 08 January
AM employed getting our Guns, Shot and Ballast on board. Employed *** water. Received sundry provisions from the Nymphe.
PM Employed as above and getting the ship ready for going up the River. Came on board Capt Pigot to take command of the expedition & Lieut, Surgeon and Masters Mate 39 Men and his Boats belonging to the Nymphe. At 4 weighed and made sail. At 7 shortened sail & came too in 7 fathoms in Co with the squadron.

At anchor in the Mississippi
Mon 9 January
Made sail in company with the Squadron.
At 11:20 observed the Fort St Philip and a Gun Boat at anchor. Sent the boats away *** and *** to reconnoitre
PM Observed the fort fire on the Boats. at 1, Boats returned at at 3 the Bombs commenced bombarding. Sent the cutter to come Guard cleared Ships for Action.
Tues 10 January
AM Bombs bombarding the Fort
PM At sunset the Fort opened a Fire upon the Bomb [vessel]s for half an hour but did no injury, the shot not reaching.
Weds 11 January
AM Bomb [vessel]s employed bombarding the Fort.
PM The fort fired several Guns.
Thu 12 January
AM Sent the boats away illegible and arrived to reconnoitre and the Cutter to row? Guard as 4 Boats returned having fired Guns & Shells into the Fort
PM Bombs bombarding
Latter Part mod & fine

Fri 13 January
AM Bomb [vessel]s bombarding the Fort
PM Sent a Boat to find a Passage to the North for the purpose of communicating with the Admiral. At Sunset boat returned having found a Passage.
Sat 14 January
AM Grand boat away at 7 a Boat came up from the Nymph[sic] bringing Letters for Capt Pigot Arrived off the Bar, HM Ships Plantaganet, Norge and Vengeur for water sent the Gig & crew? to the Plantaganet with Letters for Captain Lloyd.
PM Fort fired several Guns at the Bomb [vessel]s
15 January 1815
AM Cutter serving guard. Variously employed. Bombs bombarding. Muster by Divisions.
PM Employed as above.
16 January 1815
AM Gig returned. Sent the Pigmy down to the Plantaganet for Provisions for the Squadron. Bombs bombarding.
PM Do W & People variousy employed. Cutter standing guard. Latter mod & fine.

17 January 1815
Got all ready for passing the Fort. Used several Glararld for to put in the chains filled with water in the event of being struck with Red hot Shot. Clear Ship for Action, loaded the Guns Round & Grape for passing the fort hove shore.
PM Nymph's[sic] gig came up with orders to Captain Pigot not to pass the Fort.
18 January 1815
AM at Daylight [06:53] came in company with the Squadron and dropped down the River. At 11:30 Captain Pigot left the Ship to go on board the Nymph.[sic]
PM at 1:30 came to off the SW Pass in company with the Squadron, at 4 Pigmy anchored close to us.
19 January 1815
AM At 11:00 a boat came up from the Nymph[sic] with Orders to proceed down to the Bar.
PM Weighed at 1 Calm. Came to in 7 fathoms. Volcano grounded, sent the Pinnace to help her out, at Sunset, Volcano got off.
20 January 1815
AM Light winds & fine
weighed and made sail
PM Employed sending our guns Shot and Ballast on board the bombs
At 2.30 anchored in 7 fathoms
Employed getting Ship ready for going over the Bar.
Midnight fine W.

Remarks off Fort Placquemin
21 January 1815
PM At 1:30 weighed and made sail, at 2:40 grounded on the Bar, furled sails. Laid the kedge anchor but found not carried home. Sunset found the Tide had ebbed a great deal the ships laying very quiet, let all Stand with the next tide.
22 January 1815
AM Laid the best Bower out and got a Purchase on the cable and got all ready for heaving off at High Water.
PM At 2:00 have the Ship over the Bar, weighed the anchor and ran out into 10 fathoms. Balize NW. Joined company with HM Ship Asia, the Thistle, Volcano, and Etna[sic] came over the Bar.
23 January 1815
AM Employed getting our Guns' Shot and Ballast on board. Pinnace watering Asia. Employed mounting the Guns.
PM Employed as above. At Sunset every Thing and stowed away.
24 January 1815
Sundry provisions from the Nymph[sic]
PM same W
Surveyed off order 40 yards of
the boat Bower Cable cut it off and
gave it in change to the Boatswain for Junk

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 Post subject: Transcribed from the Captain's log of HMS Nymphe Jan 1815
PostPosted: Thu Mar 16, 2023 11:39 pm 

Joined: Mon May 24, 2010 9:32 pm
Posts: 31
HMS Nymphe
Captain's Log
Archive reference: ADM 51/2590

Although too large to pass the sand bar at the mouth of the Mississippi, she remained in the area.

14 December 1814
At anchor.
AM light airs and variable.
4am Do W
6am Weighed and made Sail. Admiral's Tender in Co.
8am Light airs and fine W
11:20 Punished George Byran (S) with 24 Lashes for Mutinous Expre-ssions
12 Calm & fine. Tender in Co. Running along the Island of Santa Rosa, West Florida. Latt about 30.14 N
Extremities of Land from W by N to NE
1pm Up courses and Turned Sails. Sent a Boat on shore to Reconnoitre
4pm Calm and fine W Extremes of the Land from N & N West
Admiral's Tender in Co.
5pm Boat returned up Do
6pm Calm and fine
6:30 a brig from the Southward made sail
8pm Moderate and fine W
15 December 1814
1:30 SHortened sail to the Topsails and Hove to on the Larboard Tack in 16 to 12 f'ms
4am Mod't & fine W
6:30 Filled and made all sail along show
8 Moderate and Cloudy
Observed a Sail on the W Boca
10am Shortened sail & hove to. Boarded a transport Brig marked B having Parted Co. with the Convoy.
11am filled
12 Mod't & Fine. Transport & Tender in Co Lattob3ay
Bearing & distance at Noon
Mort onMoville Point NW by W L W
PM Moderate Breezes & Cloudy W
4pm Do W Tender in Co.
6pm Tacked Shortened Sail to the Topsails & Double Roped them
7:30 down Royal Yards
8pm Moderate and fine W Set off a Rocket to show our Position to Brig & Tender in Co
Midnight Moderate and Cloudy
16 December 1814
Fort at the entrance of Pensacola
4am WouShip Tender in Co
6am made sail as necessary
The land from West No
Schooners & a transport brig ma in Shore
7:30 squally
10:30 Shortened sails Exchanged with H MFlula Brig Manly sent
in shore to ascertain where Adm'l
Noon Boat ret'd
1:30 made sail as requested
4pm Tonalen & Manly in co
5pm Fired a Gun to In Force the Signal. Observed the Manly Bear up for the Convoy
6:40 Shortened sail & came to with the Small Br in 7fms muddy bottom.

24 December 1814
xxxxx out boats and sent them to xxxx bringing the Herald's Guns & ***** on board to lighten her to go in M. River. Sent in a boat to sound the Bar, and found only 13 ft water set the Bobstays u noon light *****
boats employed lightening the heads
Tuesday 27 Dec 1814
Rec'd 7 American prisoners via Pilot from HM Ship Herald.
At anchor off the Balize

4 January 1815
8am Joined co/ HM Bombs Volcano & Aetna
11 joined Co HM Sch Pigmy & Thistle.
Noon sent a Pilot onboard the Pigmy to take her into the Mississippi.
PM sent boats with anchors and hawsers to warp the Pigmy into the river
4pm Boats of the Squadron employed as above.
Thu 05 Jan
4am Employed assisting the schooner to heave off
Noon Boats warping the Pigmy over the Bar
PM Boats employed assisting the Thistle to warp in over the bar

Fri 06 Jan
8[am] Sent a boat with a Pilot onboard the Aetna to take her over the Bar.
PM Aetna and Volcano went over the Bar
Sat 07 Jan
4 Put out boats and landed them with the Herald's guns, shot etc
8 Boats employed carrying the Herald's guns etc
4.30 Observed the Herald & squad. to weigh & proceed up the River

Sun 08 Jan
4 Boats employed lightening the Herald of guns, shot etc to go over the Bar.
8 Boats employed as above. Lost overboard by accident: pork, one cask of 50 pieces while lowering into the boat, then Gunnell of the boat striking the chain of line.
PM sent a boat to sound the bar & Herald weighed. Sent boats with anchors & hawsers to assist her over the Bar
4 Herald over the bar. Boats returned, hoisted them in to repair.

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 Post subject: Lake Borgne 14 Dec 1814 and prize money eligibility
PostPosted: Fri Mar 17, 2023 3:18 pm 

Joined: Mon May 24, 2010 9:32 pm
Posts: 31
The following warships did not take part, but owing to their proximity were eligible for prize money

Asia, 74 guns
Borer 12 guns
Calliope 10 guns
Carron 20 guns
Shelburne 12 guns



Neither did the 18-gun brig-sloop HMS Anaconda, but it did evacuate the wounded from the shallow waters.

The following warships, repurposed as troopships en flûte, did not take part, but owing to their proximity were eligible for prize money

Bucephalus, originally 32 guns
Dictator, originally 64 guns
Dover, originally 38 guns
Fox, originally 32 guns
Hydra, originally 44 guns
Thames, originally 32 guns
Weser, originally 44 guns

Detachments of crews of the following warships did take part, and were therefore eligible for prize money. Surviving crew members were eligible to apply for the battle clasp when it was announced in January 1849

Royal Oak,

Detachments of crews of the following warships, repurposed as troopships en flûte, did take part, and were therefore eligible for prize money. Surviving crew members were eligible to apply for the battle clasp when it was announced in January 1849

Belle Poule,

Source of ships eligible for prize money:
London Gazette, 28 July 1821, Issue 17761, p. 1561

Source of ships, for whom surviving former crew members can claim a Naval General Service medal with "14 Dec. Boat Service 1814",of which 205 were claimed:
London Gazette, 26 January 1849, Issue 20939, p. 247

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